Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 9 - Reese's Bars

Picture coming soon

Prompt: Make a breakfast based on a stranger's favorite holiday special. A cashier at Publix gave me "Home Alone" after I told her in too much depth about this project.

The thought process: For whatever reason I didn’t feel like watching the movie, so I googled to try to see if there was anywhere that had compiled the food that appeared in Home Alone. Just my luck that the internet is a wonderful amalgamation of rather random information, and I happened to find this site:

After getting over the fact that this webpage existed, I looked at the food it described. There was a lot of deliberation involved in deciding what to cook, mostly because I didn’t think I could handle making anything quite so imaginative or large in scope. Thinking about the sundae he made in the movie led me to get ideas based on candy I liked, and I couldn’t resist trying a recipe that was intended to emulate Reese’s.

Self-reflection: I’m going to market some new cleaning product that uses powdered sugar as a base, because I learned the hard way today that when you spill a lot of it on the floor (and I mean a lot), cleaning it up tends to pick up the other weird gunk that’s been stewing on the kitchen floor for a while.

Ignoring that gross observation, the recipe itself was fantastically delicious. It’s still in the refrigerator as I write this but it’s one of few batters that I’ve been willing to try, and once I did I couldn’t resist having the rest of the batter scraps. It’s pretty simple to make, doesn’t require too much in the way of ingredients, and has no unforeseen challenges. I was worried initially that it would prove difficult to make crumbs from graham crackers. Boy, was I proven wrong about that. They need a name change to reflect how crumbly they are. Regardless, this recipe definitely comes highly recommended, kudos are certainly in order to the person who came up with it.

Quote to sum up the cooking process: Bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen.”

Recipe credit:

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